
November 17, 2012

What is Love

Follow my blog with Bloglovin What is love?But a powerful emotionIt rushes inAnd sets things in motionIt can’t be quenchedBy the mightiest oceanSo don’t play with love For everythingThere is a time and seasonGod’s lawsAre there for a reasonDon’t awaken loveBefore it’s timeOr it could becomeTomorrow’s thrown-out dime Love comes around onceIt can come around twiceBut be carefulAre you willing to pay its price?It can level whatever stands in its pathResembling the force of wrathSo don’t play with...

October 16, 2012

There's a Road that is Turning

Posted by Christina Morley |

Photo by Christina Morley There are times the Lord doesn’t seem near, But oh, how much He wants us to hear Of His great love and the sacrifice He made, So that even the littlest one can be saved. Whether male or female, wealthy or poor, Jesus is standing at the door. Through floods, fires, famine, and cold, The Lord reaches out with love un-foretold. Jesus came for the needy and lame. The sinner, the baby, He loves just the same. The children have voices, the fetuses none. Do...

September 25, 2012

Crumbs or Steak?

Posted by Christina Morley |

Tell me, who knows the mind of the Lord that we should offer Him counsel?If He has told us a thing, is it not true?Either we believe God or we place His wisdom on a mantel,Which is like living our lives in an old, smelly shoe. What has He promised for His beloved daughters and sons?Did He not say that He would take care of each and everyone?Then why are we so busy eating the crumbsWhen God wants us to live a life of joy and even have fun? We easily get focused on what our needs areThat we forget...

September 16, 2012

I Love Music

Posted by Christina Morley |

I love musicGive me a melodyI love musicSomeone play me a key When there’s stress and things go wrongI need a feel good songWhen problems pour down like rainMusic keeps me sane Spin a lyricThread a rhymeDrum a rhythmI’m feeling fine by Christina Morley A few years ago I flew to Germany alone with my son to my grandfather's funeral. I was afraid to stop over at the Frankfurt airport, because it's a huge airport, so I decided to stop over at the much smaller Hamburg airport instead. I have no problem...

September 09, 2012

Philosophy (Everything Comes in Packaging)

Posted by Christina Morley |

Philosophy The world’s philosophy Oh, doesn’t it sound so good to your ears? Lying It wasn’t really lying It was only a tiny, little, white lie Packaging Everything comes in packaging And it’s always made to look so nice Rights It’s my right No one has the right to tell me what to do Sex Have safe sex And you should only begin when you feel ready Packaging Everything comes in packaging And it’s always made to look so nice Religion All religions are good Therefore,...