
November 17, 2012

What is Love

Follow my blog with Bloglovin What is love?But a powerful emotionIt rushes inAnd sets things in motionIt can’t be quenchedBy the mightiest oceanSo don’t play with love For everythingThere is a time and seasonGod’s lawsAre there for a reasonDon’t awaken loveBefore it’s timeOr it could becomeTomorrow’s thrown-out dime Love comes around onceIt can come around twiceBut be carefulAre you willing to pay its price?It can level whatever stands in its pathResembling the force of wrathSo don’t play with...

October 16, 2012

There's a Road that is Turning

Posted by Christina Morley |

Photo by Christina Morley There are times the Lord doesn’t seem near, But oh, how much He wants us to hear Of His great love and the sacrifice He made, So that even the littlest one can be saved. Whether male or female, wealthy or poor, Jesus is standing at the door. Through floods, fires, famine, and cold, The Lord reaches out with love un-foretold. Jesus came for the needy and lame. The sinner, the baby, He loves just the same. The children have voices, the fetuses none. Do...

September 25, 2012

Crumbs or Steak?

Posted by Christina Morley |

Tell me, who knows the mind of the Lord that we should offer Him counsel?If He has told us a thing, is it not true?Either we believe God or we place His wisdom on a mantel,Which is like living our lives in an old, smelly shoe. What has He promised for His beloved daughters and sons?Did He not say that He would take care of each and everyone?Then why are we so busy eating the crumbsWhen God wants us to live a life of joy and even have fun? We easily get focused on what our needs areThat we forget...

September 16, 2012

I Love Music

Posted by Christina Morley |

I love musicGive me a melodyI love musicSomeone play me a key When there’s stress and things go wrongI need a feel good songWhen problems pour down like rainMusic keeps me sane Spin a lyricThread a rhymeDrum a rhythmI’m feeling fine by Christina Morley A few years ago I flew to Germany alone with my son to my grandfather's funeral. I was afraid to stop over at the Frankfurt airport, because it's a huge airport, so I decided to stop over at the much smaller Hamburg airport instead. I have no problem...

September 09, 2012

Philosophy (Everything Comes in Packaging)

Posted by Christina Morley |

Philosophy The world’s philosophy Oh, doesn’t it sound so good to your ears? Lying It wasn’t really lying It was only a tiny, little, white lie Packaging Everything comes in packaging And it’s always made to look so nice Rights It’s my right No one has the right to tell me what to do Sex Have safe sex And you should only begin when you feel ready Packaging Everything comes in packaging And it’s always made to look so nice Religion All religions are good Therefore,...

September 01, 2012

Starry Sky

Posted by Christina Morley |

I thank You for the stars at night I know that I can never leave Your sight If You know each star by name Then You know everyone else the same You know so much more than I When I look up into that deep, starry sky I think how much You love Your creation Heaven is beyond my imagination I thank You for the home prepared for me I know there will be so much more to see A new heaven and new earth in all their glory For me, this is a wonderful story Help me to live in joy and peace Until...

August 25, 2012

Do You Feel Powerless?

Posted by Christina Morley |

Do you feel powerlessTo change thingsOr become emotionlessFrom too many stings? Is everything hopelessIs it all in vainAre you feeling helplessIs your heart in pain? There is one Who knows your nameHe is faithful. He stays the sameHe has felt your deepest painHis love will always remainLet His love fall like healing rainBecause your life is not in vain What do you doWhen you’re feeling restlessWho do you talk toWhen your heart’s a mess? Where is your shelterFrom the storms of lifeWho is your coverWhen...

August 15, 2012

Be a Friend

Posted by Christina Morley |

Lord, You taught me that to have friends, I should be a friend. And if I felt misunderstood, understanding I should extend. It’s not about protecting me, but about having a heart that can bend. Gifts of hope, gifts of love, and gifts of joy I want to send. by Christina Morley I decided to post this poem today, because I need it for myself. It's been one of those days. I also feel more sensitive, and I can't take the hard knocks so well, when I'm ill and worn down. Do you ever feel...

August 09, 2012

Lazy Summer Days

Posted by Christina Morley |

Home-made ice creamAnd pink lemonadeGreat for lazy summer daysDelicate butterfliesRomantic sunsetsFall upon my happy gaze Ceiling fansCool, white sheetsHelp summer evenings go byGentle wavesA walk on the beachUnder a starry sky Hand in handA touch, a kissYour body next to mineSpeaking wordsOf tendernessSo perfect and divine by Christina A. Morley I know it's summertime in the Northern Hemisphere, so this poem is for all of you who are enjoying warmer weather. I'm sure the last poem's pic with the...

July 26, 2012

Who's the Real Me?

Posted by Christina Morley |

When I look into my eyes What do I see? Who’s the real me? Am I everything I want to be? Like a coloring book without color Or a day that’s gone gray Everything’s become a blur And I kneel down and pray And when He reaches down Inside this heart that wears a frown He touches things too deep Awakening dreams that lay asleep I was like a tree in winter Without one single, green leaf But then my heart began to stir Happiness mixed with grief And when He reaches down Inside...

July 19, 2012

Love is the Only Way

Posted by Christina Morley |

The last shall be first The first shall be last It’s an attitude of the heart And love will stand fast I can have ambition But not without submission To the Spirit who gives me vision To love is His only condition When things don’t go right And I’m tempted to fight I need to stop and pray ‘Cause love is the only way by Christina Mor...

July 15, 2012

Hear the Call

Posted by Christina Morley |

Photo by Dominic Morel Hear the call Sound the drums Wake up! Wake up! Arise ye dead See ye blind Now’s the time For your light to shine Hear the voice From on high Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ! He’s the Truth I tell no lie He’s the way For all mankind Hear the saints In the battle We’ve won! We’ve won! Death’s been killed Life now lives So wake up And accept what He gives New life! New life! by Christina Morle...

July 10, 2012

What’s Troubling You?

Posted by Christina Morley |

Honey, what’s on your mind? Why do you always run around? Why don’t you slow down? What’s troubling you? Honey, I see it in your face Those distant eyes The haphazard thoughts Your constant restlessness You’re always somewhere else Inside that head But still running away From what’s there So you dream Keep yourself busy Talk a lot And have many friends But what’s troubling you? What’s inside? Why hide? It’ll always be there Slow down Listen to what others have to...

July 05, 2012

A Clock Ticks

Posted by Christina Morley |

A clock ticks A tap drips The house is quiet and still I take time to write On a peaceful night Which gives me such a thrill The children sleep I hear my heart beat Evenings like this I treasure To have time alone To think on my own Gives me great pleasure by Christina Mor...

June 30, 2012

New Wine

Posted by Christina Morley |

You don’t despise The little I have to give My birth was no surprise Or my weaknesses You breathed life In Genesis And I realize I was in Your plan In the palm Of Your hand Take all of my heart Take every part You’re the new wine And here I’ll dine You make all things new Your love is true by Christina Mor...

June 26, 2012

Live Your Life

Posted by Christina Morley |

Do you sometimes feel your life is a dead-end? Have you given up hope, or just lack having a friend? What are the thoughts that run through your head? You own them, so choose the positive instead. Why focus on the bad when you can note the good? Find what makes you glad even if you’re misunderstood. You can take charge of life by not pointing the finger. Let thankful thoughts be the thoughts that linger. Maybe you’ve had to go without a thing or two. Maybe growing up at home felt...

June 18, 2012

The Innocent Suffer

Born Free was a shelter for at risk children.Christmas outreach 2001 Abuse, suffering, hunger, and pain What’s the purpose, can there be any gain? The innocent suffer, the innocent cry I see their agony and I ask myself why? A child in the street, naked and cold No food for the belly, wounds that are old No parents around, there’s no one to care No home to be found, no love to share Why does this happen, why must it go on? Is there any reason when reason has gone? How many...

June 12, 2012

Alpha and Omega

Posted by Christina Morley |

He is the Alpha and OmegaThe beginning and the endHe is Creator and CaretakerOur Comforter and Friend He laughs at the impossibleHe knows it can be doneAll power and authorityBelong to the Son Now if you didn’t get it yetAnd if you haven’t heardHe always keeps His promisesIt’s written in His Word So whatever He has done beforeHe can do againRemember He’s Creator, CaretakerYour Comforter and Friend by Christina Morl...

June 05, 2012

Less Advice, Lots of Love

Posted by Christina Morley |

There is always a reason For every different season Time helps make sense of it all When passing through spring or fall Dealing with life’s issues Is like needing sandals or shoes Having the right kind of gear To help you through the year Laugh with those who are laughing Cry with those who are crying Give a little heart, not an answer Callous words are like a cancer Be as gentle as a dove Less advice, lots of love by Christina Mor...

May 29, 2012

Gracefully Yours

Posted by Christina Morley |

“Little children come unto Me,” so the Lord Jesus said. Isn’t it amazing how we are called children of God and not adults of God instead? To be like little children, that’s how we need to think in our head. “Little children come unto Me,” but how often do we look elsewhere? How often do we reject His tender loving care? It’s more T.L.C. we need and it’s in grace that we’ll find it there. Is grace the key to love, or love the key to grace? What do you see when you look into another...

May 23, 2012

Life is Like a Maze

Posted by Christina Morley |

Life is like a maze of crisscrossing roadsA turn-off here or an exit thereDo I go left or right?Is it up or down?How do I keep from getting turned around?All roads don’t lead to the same placeFeeling jammed inNeeding some spaceLooking for the right exitBut God, which one?I’m not having any funOften the sign-boards just don’t make senseHelp! I’m feeling tenseLooking for the right connectionMaybe I should stopTake time for reflectionEven ask someone a questionDoes anyone understand?I feel like it’s...

May 19, 2012

I Can Carry Pain

Posted by Christina Morley |

I can carry pain And still wear a smile The promise I’ll gain May take a while The road may be long And my heart weary But I’ll still have a song My load He’ll carry God knows my heart The sacrifices I’ve made He’ll do His part His life He gave Deep cries out to deep It’s not in vain My heart He’ll keep He’ll carry my pain His joy is mine His life fulfilling I’ll be fine His peace indwelling by Christina Morley The photo is by Gerhard Nel, a friend...

May 17, 2012

Passion for Life

Posted by Christina Morley |

When I was a child, I thought like one But now my childish days are done Though I’ve grown up, I still like fun As wife and mother, but not under the thumb My passion for life continues at a run There’s lots of adventure under the sun And I don’t want to miss any one As I share little joys with everyone Who said my childish days are done? Childish yes, but carefree – none! by Christina Mor...

May 12, 2012

Blue Ribbon

Posted by Christina Morley |

You might not receive a blue ribbon at the end of the day And being a mother is not a job that will pay But your reward is the journey every step of the way And “Well done!” are the words that my Father will say. by Christina Mor...

May 10, 2012

Mother Acrostic

Posted by Christina Morley |

Mom, here’s my chance to share today On the special things you do and say Thank you for all the love and prayer Helping me through every care Especially for your listening ear Regardless of your busy day Thank you, Mom, in every way. Have a Happy Mother’s Day! by Christina Mor...

May 09, 2012


Posted by Christina Morley |

A mother is a person to cherish Her love she does so readily lavish She gives of her time to everyone And a mother’s work is never done A mother will sacrifice here and there She’ll not withhold and will always share We will never know how hard it is Until one day we have our own kids So thank you, Mother, for all that you do We want you to know how much we love you And we pray that this Mother’s Day will be Blessed with many a happy memory by Christina Mor...

May 07, 2012

To Be a Mother

Posted by Christina Morley |

These are my four kids. I'll be posting Mother's Day card making ideas on my 1camera1mom blog for all the scrapbooking and card making moms and kids out there. You can add your own Mother's Day poem or use one of mine. I'll be adding a couple more this week to choose from. To be a mother means… You’re a “Home Exec,” a fancy name for doing jobs that no one sees There are people who think that running a home must be a breeze Daily you are finding lost items, washing dishes and making the bed It’s...

May 04, 2012

Little Baby in the Womb

Posted by Christina Morley |

Oh, little baby in the womb - Why has your mother made it your tomb? It was not meant to be a place of pain and death, But a place of life, to give you breath. God the Father could see your tiny hands and feet. He could see you move and hear your heartbeat. But the world told your mother a lie, And now at night God hears her cry. There’s a longing and aching in her heart. She desperately wants to have a fresh start. If God can hold you, Baby, He can hold your mother too...

May 01, 2012

The Child Inside

Posted by Christina Morley |

The child inside A mystery to many The way it grows And enters society The mother can feel it And the child senses the mother As they go through months together But some mothers don’t bother The child inside Develops rapidly Living and growing So wonderfully The child inside Incapable of anger Feels excruciating pain And recognizes danger The child inside Murdered somehow The merciful Lord knows And will take care of it now The mother can feel it And...

April 26, 2012

Gifted, Talented Woman

Posted by Christina Morley |

How do women fit into God’s plan? When God made Adam, there was only one man Just God and one man? There was something missing Someone to be mother; someone for kissing Without women there would be no children to see There would be no you and also no me No different cultures, no different faces, No different colors and no different races Inside of God was companionship Men and women in relationship Adam was only half of God’s plan With Eve came new life, new love – woman She’s...

April 21, 2012

Give a Smile

Posted by Christina Morley |

Give a smile to those you meet A friendly look when you greet It may be just what they need Planting hope as a seed It’s the sunlight through the trees A bit of warmth on a cool breeze Open your heart just a little Then it won’t become brittle Why not give it a try? There’s no need to be shy Find a twinkle in your eye Be the sparkle in the night sky It will come back to you by and by by Christina Mor...

April 18, 2012

One Little Bird

Posted by Christina Morley |

There once was a little bird high in a tree Who loved to sing, naturally She would sit and sing, and sing, and sing But she never noticed her broken wing One day another little bird passed by And asked her why she didn’t fly? She didn’t know the reason why So she thought she would give it a try But sadly enough, when she jumped off the tree She fell down to the ground quite hopelessly Now she was helpless and vulnerable too And she didn’t know what she should do So she prayed...

April 16, 2012

To Live Your Dream

Posted by Christina Morley |

To live your dream You can’t look at circumstances Fear can’t stop you taking chances You need courage in times of waiting Not to step back when debating Don’t look down when you’re going up Think like a champion in the World Cup Hold on when you feel you’re slipping Faith and hope will keep you gripping A life half lived is not living at all When others think you’re crazy, just stand tall Only you can be your true self It’s not about gaining this...

April 12, 2012

The Beauty of Loving

Posted by Christina Morley |

Tell me, why do people do the things they do? Is life so hard that love has died too? Or do we just refuse to accept the love that’s there So afraid of getting hurt, that we pretend not to care? Why do we build walls to keep others out? Jericho’s walls fell with a shout! Isn’t there a better way of healing life’s ills Than building those walls and causing more spills? When we are hurt by other’s sin And defense builds up, we mustn’t give in But we should be open to what’s inside And...

April 08, 2012


Posted by Christina Morley |

Jesus is the King of Kings He is our everything He is the Great I Am He is the Son of Man By His stripes we are made whole He can fill the empty soul And shower us with gifts from heaven He is the Bread without leaven He overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb Though he was still the Great I Am He also suffered as the Son of Man So that one day we might say, “I can!” by Christina Morley Happy East...

April 03, 2012


Posted by Christina Morley |

I want to love someone with a passion To give my heart away, Not just for a day A love that’s for keeps But I can’t love you in that way You only play the game You’re insincere, So I won’t waste my time on you I want to give my love to someone I can trust Who will give back as much as I give To have an undivided heart To love to the end as from the start Now I won’t be played, So give up trying You’re just not the one and I won’t be fooled I’m stronger than you think I can...

March 30, 2012

Like a Kite

Posted by Christina Morley |

Longingly I gaze at the sky As I peek out my window I feel safe behind my door But as time passes on Life is passing me by Yet something’s pulling deep inside If I were a kite That remained indoors What would be the use If I never took to flight? I’m sure there’s something missing Maybe I lost the key But I know there is a door That I must go through Not later, but now, even in winter or spring I’ll fly high and let go of the string I’ll soar on the breeze that carries my name I’ll rise high...

March 27, 2012

The Sun Rises

Posted by Christina Morley |

The sun rises across the skyAs people are walking byShining on the rich and poorFrom desert to sea shoreOn every man, woman, and childFrom the city to the wildIt rises and then sets againEach day without endTelling a tale for all to seeThat we aren’t living equallyPerhaps equally we never willAnd also without justice ‘tillWe speak up for the weak and smallIn the daytime and at nightfallTo remain consistent and fairAs our lives are there to share by Christina Mor...

March 23, 2012

Outside, Under the Sky

Posted by Christina Morley |

Outside Under the sky I see the rain falling In the night Falling Shimmering Pierced by a light Above my head Falling Glimmering Gently washing my face Washing it of every trace Of frustration And discouragement Falling Wet and cool Refreshing I lift my head I lift my hands In the night To catch the rain Within in my sight Falling Like tiny diamonds Presents to my soul Filling me with peace And making me whole Falling Swirling Tickling my skin In the darkness of...

March 20, 2012

Our Children

Posted by Christina Morley |

There is no army without formal training, Equipment, or plan for implementing. Instead, each soldier knows how to fight With his weapons in hand, his goal in sight. Our children are the same; they rely on you and me. Let’s not send them out as guppies into the sea. The sharks have teeth and they sure can bite. The darkness wages war against the light. Our weapons are not guns, fists, or knives. They are not for destruction, but are to save lives. Our weapons...

March 16, 2012

Prayer for My Home

Posted by Christina Morley |

Let my home be a safe haven One to be counted among the best May its walls build hope and its floors mercy And may its rooms offer peace and rest May its roof be a symbol of protection May its ceilings teach us Your ways And may the gates stand for honor Together adding joy to our days by Christina Mor...

March 14, 2012

We’ve had Some Struggles

I know we’ve had some struggles Struggles in every way But God is so much bigger He seems bigger everyday So, I just wanted to tell you That I love you anyway Even through all the hurt God wipes our tears away It doesn’t matter what you do Or what I do that counts As long as we put God first Those things won’t weigh an ounce Now today’s a day to start again And with God we’ll always win Loving and living selflessly God will give us victory! by Christina Morley First written 5/27/1997...

March 10, 2012

A True Friend

Posted by Christina Morley |

Photo by D. Sharon Pruitt To find a true friend is rare A friend that in not jealous And who is always fair A friend that champions you And who really cares A friend like this understands who you are You have freedom to speak your mind And you stay in touch even from afar This friendship is made truly great When both of you can shine - Each a different star by Christina Morley Tweet !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.cr...